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No Bake Nutella Balls (chocolate truffles)

Here’s a new favourite truffle I added to our Christmas cookie boxes this year. I’ll share with you how to make No Bake Nutella Balls covered in chocolate with a few sprinkles to make them look festive. These were so delicious. I had a hard time not eating all of them myself. You can crush the graham crackers yourself, but I just purchased a box of crumbs. No Bake Nutella Balls Makes about 50 balls Adapted from The Carefree Kitchen Ingredients For the filling 1/2 cup of butter, softened 1 1/4 cup Nutella 1 cup graham cracker crumbs 2 cups icing sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla For the coating 1 1/2 cups meting chocolate (I used milk) Directions Combine all filling ingredients until a dough forms. You can add more Nutella or graham crumbs  if you feel the dough is too soft or dry. The dough should hold its shape once rolled.  Roll teaspoon size balls and place in a single layer in the freezer for 30 minutes.  Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or bowl over a simmering pot of wa...

How to Boil Eggs

I guess most people know how to boil eggs already, but just in case, here's how I do it. Actually, this is how my grandmother taught me to boil them and it works out perfectly every time.

Above: Beautiful Hard Boiled Eggs

How to Boil Eggs

Hard Boiled
In a large pot, place your eggs in a single layer. Cover them with cold water. Place the pot on the stove over high heat and let it come to a full boil. Turn the heat off (leave the pot on the stove) and cover the pot with a lid. Wait for 15 minutes then drain. My mom will tell you to rinse the eggs under cold water. I suppose it makes them easier to handle.

My mom will also tell you that you should crack your egg at the bottom where the air pocket is because it makes them easier to peel. Sometimes that skin between the shell and the egg can be a real pain. I also noticed that with one particular brand of egg that we get here, I ALWAYS have a problem peeling the eggs. Other brands peel without a problem. I have no explanation for this since I always cook my eggs the same way.

Soft Boiled
For soft boiled eggs, start the same way. Bring the pot of eggs in water to a full boil. Place bread in the toaster and press it down. When the toast pops up, your eggs should be soft boiled. Rinse them under cold water for a minute then go ahead and eat them before they cook any further. I assume you could also use a timer but how many minutes to set it for is not something I can tell you. I haven't got a clue.

To eat a soft boiled egg, my husband will peel the whole thing then chop it up on his plate and scoop it up with his toast. Well, in that case you may as well just fry the egg sunny side up, but that's just my opinion. I think the right way to eat a soft boiled egg is to break off the top of the shell with the whack of a spoon. Scoop off the top and eat it then dip your toast into the yolk. Then you scoop out the rest of the white with your spoon. It's more fun this way. If you don't have egg cups you can use shot glasses, they're the perfect size.


  1. I'm going to have to try this your way I always over cook them or under cook them.


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