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Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies

Peanut butter blossom cookies are probably one of my favourite cookies of all time. This recipe for peanut butter blossoms makes a soft cookie with just the right amount of chocolate from the Hershey’s Kisses. These easy to make cookies are perfect for Christmas or any other holiday. Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies Makes 42 Cookies Adapted from Ingredients 1 cup shortening 1 cup smooth peanut butter 1 cup brown sugar 3/4 cup white sugar 2 large eggs 1/4 cup milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract  3 1/2 cups all purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 42 Hershey Kisses or Hugs, unwrapped White sugar for rolling Directions Preheat the oven to 375F and line some baking trays with parchment paper.  Beat shortening, peanut butter, and sugars  in a large bowl until well combined. Beat in vanilla and eggs until fluffy.  Stir in flour, baking soda, and salt until combined. Scoop out walnut size balls of dough and roll between your hands to shape a ball...

Homemade Butter

This was an accident. I over-whipped my whipped cream and it started to separate. Oopsie.

Making butter is so easy you won't believe it. After I made it, I used it to fry some veggies. It works just like real butter. Oh wait! It IS real butter!

You can get butter on sale for less than it would cost you to buy the cream to make it, but it's still fun and your friends will be impressed when you tell them you made it.

Above: After the whipping cream stage, a little more beating will turn it into this.

Keep whipping and the liquid will start to come out.

Now it's drained. I should have whipped a bit longer but it still worked!


Homemade Butter

  • heavy cream (35%)
  • salt (optional)
  1. Place the cream in a large bowl and whip it on medium speed until it turns into whipped cream. Looks pretty right? 
  2. You're not done yet. Keep whipping. Oops, now it looks curdled! Your whipped cream is ruined! BUT don't throw it away. Keep whipping! The solids will separate from the liquid and you will have butter! 
  3. Drain off as much liquid as you can, then whip a bit more. There may still be some liquid left to whip out. I think I could have whipped it slightly longer because I  noticed some liquid coming out when I put a blob in the hot pan to melt. You can also add some salt if you like. Store the butter in the fridge, or freeze it if you won't be using it within a few days.
  4. You can use the buttermilk in your baking.  You could also add some cinnamon or herbs and spices to the butter. Wouldn't that be fun?!


  1. That looks like such a fun project.

  2. It's always good to know how to make your own butter, just in case of emergencies! My mom would make butter from fresh (raw) cream - back when buying/selling raw milk was legal - by shaking it in a glass jar. Yeah, it takes a LOT longer than using a mixer but it works. Eventually. :)

  3. I've made butter before when I was a child but haven't made it since. Homemade butter is so much better than store bought so it's nice to have that little indulgence every once in awhile. Great SRC choice!

  4. Bet the homemade butter was such a treat. I would love to try it and maybe add some herbs to it.. yum.

  5. I agree - making homemade butter is more fun than practical, but fun it definitely is. And it's a great way to experiment with flavors, too, since you have total control over the ingredients. Great job trying something new!

  6. Nothing taste as good as homemade butter, and this looks so good I can almost taste it. This is a great recipe choice for the SRC.
    Have a fun week!
    Miz Helen

  7. I remember making butter as part of some science projects! Brings back the memories. :)

  8. Thanks for the kind comments on my blog and my butter making skills. I've played around with my butter by adding herbs from time to time, but really, I like it just plain, with a touch of salt. Just one caution, if using it for baking, unless you 'wash' it really well, and expel most of the liquid, it really doesn't work that well. But it sure tastes good on some homemade bread or toast.

  9. Huh, I never would have thought of making butter either. SRC is all about doing something different.

  10. It was great meeting you through SRC this month. I enjoyed making your muffins, they were delicious.


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